Hookah bowls used by hookah professionals
The Kaloud Vitria Bowl is one of the easiest to setup, so it could be essential for beginners or those who wish not to spend a lot of time wondering how to pack a bowl. The way it is designed allows you to pay minimal attention to the coals and other technicalities. It is a bit more expensive than a regular bowl because it is used with the Kaloud Lotus, however, the price is worth it for the better taste you will receive. The Vitria glass bowl is covered with a sturdy and resistant silicone exterior.
The Alpaca Rook Bowl is unique in its four cut central spires, that resembles the famous Rook game piece. This shape allows for more airflow, which produces more abundant clouds, and that is always a plus. You also get wonderful color options that are always changing with each new batch. Alpaca is a great brand that has remained a favorite throughout the years.
Welcome the Classic Egyptian Bowl into your collection if you haven’t already. The Egyptian bowl is the most commonly sold on the market. Classics are classics for a reason. This bowl will allow you to smoke every brand of shisha with ease and delight. Tangiers may be a bit stronger, but you will definitely get your money’s worth with this purchase. The Egyptian bowl may have been your starting bowl if you are old school or it could be a new thing for those who got hooked on the modern bowls.