How to clean a glass hookah
Glass hookahs are amazing, but contrary to popular belief, they also require regular maintenance in the cleaning department. A simple yet thorough rinsing after each smoke session might be enough for light uses and to keep the glass from staining. In reality though, many forget or sometimes do not have the time to give a proper rinse to their glass hookah each and every time it is used. Water stains, slight aromas, and other issues can potentially appear if your hookah has not been cleaned as it should be. Here are the steps to clean a glass hookah and avoid any mishaps; this applies to all types of glass hookahs, no matter the make.
Step 1 - Rinse thoroughly: This is the most simple of all but it is important to fill your hookah with clean water and shake vigorously. You may deem wise to add a few drops of lime juice or vinegar if you want to get rid of any smells.
Step 2 - Use a cleaning solution: You can use various cleaning solutions, whatever floats your boat. It can be a commercialized cleaner or a special hookah cleaning liquid. Follow all the instructions for your specific cleaner. If you are using regular soap, you can let your hookah soak for half an hour before beginning the next step.
Step 3 - Scrubbing: You need a hookah cleaning brush that is easy to bend and manipulate. This brush will allow you to reach all the tiny crevices your hookah may have and it is the step that requires the most time. Make sure to brush very well!
Step 4 - Rinse: Once you have scrubbed every area, it is time to rinse and rinse, and rinse. You should rinse your hookah until you can look at a cleaned, shiny glass. Let it air dry before trying to use it again.