Azure Shisha Tobacco Review: Dark Line & Gold Line
Azure Shisha Tobacco Review
What you put in your hookah bowl is not only responsible for the flavor you get, but also decide your overall experience. We are constantly trying out new flavors, scoring them on their smoking out, flavors, buzz.
Today, we are going to do a quick assessment of Azure Shisha Tobacco. Azure Tobacco manufactures all its products in California, United States and is well-known for its creative flavor blends. It has hit 2018 with its two lines Dark line and Gold line and got quite boosted in terms of popularity in the hookah community. Well, it comes in a resealable pouch contain 250 grams of the fine cut tobacco. Must say, it got a nice juice content. It has been consistent in all its flavors and lived up to that the flavor names says.
Let's see what these lines has got in store for us:
Azure Shisha Tobacco Gold Line: Azure Tobacco team has used golden tobacco leaves for the gold line. It got a an assortment of 39 different flavors like Bermuda Mint, Big Apple, Chai Masala, Blueberry Mint, Candy, Melon Mania, Sweet Summer Sun, Citrusmania and so on. Each blend has something unique and nostalgic about it. Each of the flavors are true to what the flavor name says. It's super-smooth, gives good smoke output and a nice buzz.
Azure Shisha Tobacco Black Line: Azure Tobacco uses the dark tobacco leaves for its black line. It got an amazing lineup of 29 flavors like Chocolate Mint, Unicorn, Lemon Muffin, Spiced Berry, Cosmos and many more. It is on the heavier side in terms of flavors. The smoke cloud is ridiculously incredible for sure. It gives strong buzz.
Overall, it scores 10 out 10 for smoke output. For the flavor, it is consistent and balance, which is definitely great. Neither too sweet or too strong; just perfect. The dark leaf tobacco gives a stronger buzz than the gold line but both of them are cool and relaxing. If you are new to the hookah culture, we recommend you to try the gold line instead. It is ideal for the crazy hookah lovers with high buzz tolerance.