All The Different Options for Coconut Charcoal at Zahrah
From beginners to avid smokers, coconut shell charcoal happens to be the number choice around the globe for its amazing advantages. Unlike the other hookah coals, these coals do not add any bad odor or taste to the tobacco and last longer. They are perfect for a smooth, long smoke session where you get to relish the tantalizing flavors of your favorite hookah shisha. At Zahrah, we aim at delivering you the best hookah experience with high-quality hookah products.
We are your one-stop resolution for all your hookah requirements. Today, we bring you all the top and popular options for coconut charcoal available in the market here.
Zahrah Coconut Shell Charcoal. Manufactured in Indonesia, Zahrah Coconut Shell Charcoals are manufactured with superior quality 100% natural coconut shells. It comes in shapes of cubes and flats and quantity options like half, one, and ten kgs. Do check out our triple pack offer.
Starbuzz CocoBuzz Coconut Charcoal. Star buzz CocoBuzz Coconut Charcoal comes in three versions, CocoBuzz, CocoBuzz 2.0, and recently launched CocoBuzz 3.0. You can have them in one kg pack. However, the original CocoBuzz is also available in 15- and 45-pieces packs.
Starbuzz Quad Cut Coconut Charcoal. One of the latest Starbuzz creations is this HMD-dedicated Quad-Cut charcoal prepared using the formula used for CocoBuzz. When a circular disc of coal is cut into four equal, it is called Quad Cut. Comes in a pack of 112 pieces.
Starbuzz Tri Cut Coconut Charcoal. Another Star buzz creation dedicated to HMD users is Starbuzz Tri Cut Coconut Charcoal. When a circular disc of coal is cut into three parts or triangles, it is called Tri Cut. These coals can easily fit into any HMD and depending on your requirement you can add or remove a coal piece. Available in a package of 72 pieces.
Overdozz Coconut Shell Charcoal. This shisha manufacturing company has also introduced coconut shell charcoal cubes measuring 25 mm on all sides. It is made with 100% natural products and adds no smell or taste to your tobacco. Overdozz Coconut Shell Charcoal comes in one kg pack containing 64 pieces and a 10 kg pack. We also have a triple pack offer on this shisha.
CocoUrth Coconut Natural Hookah Charcoal. CocoUrth is one of the popular coal choices of the lounges. These coals are designed to suit traditional smokers and prepared from the purest coconut trees. The coals are available in mini cubes 100 pieces, cubes (one kg pack containing 72 pieces), flats (one kg pack containing 96 pieces), big cubes 64 pieces, Party Box Cubes (two kg pack containing 144 pieces), and Party Box Flats (two kg pack containing 192 pieces).
CocoUrth Coconut Charcoals also come in hexagon shapes in packs of 30 and 60 units and a lounge box of 10 kilos.
Titanium Coconut Hookah Coal. Titanium is another brand claiming their coconut charcoals are manufactured using pressed coconut shells and have zero wood or sawdust fillers. It is available in flats (108 pieces in one kg) and cubes (72 pieces in one kg). You can also bulk order a 10 kg lounge box of Titanium Coconut Charcoal.
Coco Ultimate Premium Hookah Coal. The manufacturer uses a new formula to prepare these charcoal flats with pressed coconut charcoal in Indonesia. Each flat measures 25mm by 25mm by 18mm. It is available in a one kg pack.
Charco Flare Coconut Charcoal. Eco-Friendly charcoals prepared using all-natural coconut shells available in shapes of flats, cubes, quarter circles.
Golden Desert Hookah Charcoal. Golden Desert Hookah Charcoals are made using 100% natural coconut shells and are available in flat and hexagon shapes.
Fumari Fuoco Coconut Hookah Charcoal. Fumari Fuoco Coconut Charcoals offer your odorless, chemical-free 80 to 90 minutes of smoke time. It comes in packs of 60 pieces and 112 pieces.
Coco Mazaya Coconut Hookah Charcoal. Coco Mazaya by CocoNara Charcoals are made with compressed coconut shells. Each cube measures 22 mm on all sides. Coco Mazaya comes in packs containing 24, 48, and 96 pieces.
Superior Coco Natural Hookah Charcoal – New High Heat Formula. It is a perfect charcoal formula that offers up to two hours of burning time. Each piece measures 25mm from all sides. It is available in a 1 kg pack containing 100 pieces and 10 kg containing 1000 pieces.
Cocous Natural Coco Shell Hookah Charcoal. They are made with natural coconut shells. They burn four times longer than quick lights and produce ash content of less than 2%. It comes in one kg pack of 72 pieces.
CocoNara Hookah Charcoal. Sulfur-free coconut shell charcoals that are odorless, clean-tasting, and leave less than 5% ash. CocoNara Hookah Charcoal cubes come in a pack of 20, 60, and 120 pieces.
Browse the best coconut charcoal options, compare them without toggling between different hookah stores. We have all of them right here. If you have a bulk requirement, log into your Zahrah wholesale portal to check out our exclusive wholesale offers that none in the market could match.
Keep Smoking!